Announcing the Hanky Ice Cream Social – a new event for DESIRE 2018.

The short:
What? Flag Your Hanky Ice Cream Social Meet and Greet
Where? The Terra Cotta Resort
When? Thursday night, 8p to 10p
Why? To meet, to greet, to flag, and to flirt

The long:
Thursday night, after we enjoy dinner at Sherman’s, we will enjoy dessert at the resort. Desire Leather Women Unleashed is sponsoring a “Flag Your Hanky” Ice Cream Social and Meet and Greet.

This is a chance to flag your colors, meet other Desire attendees, eat some ice cream, and maybe scope out a compatible hanky color. The Desire Producers and much of the Desire Staff and Ambassadors will be on site for you to get to know.

Neither the pool nor the play spaces will be ready for use during the social.

Let your hanky colors fly! The point of flagging was to identify others who were interested in the same types of kinks as you.  It was a way to get conversation started, or to just outright play. If you see a color that interests you, ASK! Hankies are usually worn in either the back left or right pockets, however, they can also be worn around the wrist, around the ankle or leg at the thigh above the knee, or around the neck with the knot/tie going either right or left.

Learn more about flagging and the history of the hanky here:

Here are some common colors that we will be using at DESIRE:

Color Left Right
Beige Rimmer Rimmee
Black Heavy S/M Top Heavy S/M Bottom
Blue- Dark Anal Top Anal Bottom
Blue- Light Wants To Be Eaten Pussy Eater
Blue- Robin’s Egg 69er Anything But 69
Blue- Teal Tit Torturer Tit Torturee
Brown Scat Top Scat Bottom
Charcoal Latex Fetish Top Latex Fetish Bottom
Flames Fire Top Likes To Be Lit On Fire
Fuschia Spanker Spankee
Green- Hunter Daddy Looking For Daddy
Green- Kelly Big/ Age Play Top Age Play Bottom

Little/ Middle

Green- Lime Top Femme Sub Butch
Green- Mint Mommy Looking For Mommy
Green- Olive Drab Marine/ Army Top Marine/ Army Bottom
Grey Does Bondage Wants To Be Bound
Grey W/ Black Light S/M Top Light S/M Bottom
Lavender Drag King Likes Drag Kings
Maroon Likes Menstruating Women Menstruating
Mustard Foot Fetish Top Foot Fetish Bottom
Orange Anything Anytime- Top Anything Anytime- Bottom
Pink- Dark Tit Torturer Receives Tit Torture
Pink- Light Dildo Fucker Dildo Fuckee
Purple Piercer Gets Pierced
Red Fisting Gets Fisted
Yellow Gives Golden Showers Wants Golden Showers