Frequently Asked Questions


DESIRE is a unique weekend event for leather and kinky Women,  Genderqueer, Gender Variant/Expansive, Gender Diverse, Trans Women and Trans Men Non-Binary. (Please read the Gender Policy and decide for your self: taking place October 18-21 2024

DESIRE is an educational weekend committed to providing outstanding learning opportunities and experiences for all. DESIRE is an ideal retreat for novices where you can learn a wide variety of skills in a single weekend in a safe environment. It’s a great opportunity for experienced players to improve their skills and learn more advanced ways of playing. DESIRE gathers a wonderful group of presenters who are eager to share their expertise with you. Presenters actively participate in all DESIRE activities and are an integral part of the weekend. There will be many workshops and presentations offered during the weekend.  One of the unique features of DESIRE is that participants have the opportunity to have a one-on-one mentoring session or participate in a small group with one of the presenters. (In person event only)

Your hosts,

Bikkja Amy and Naria


General Questions


Proof of Vaccination is no longer required to attend this event. Please do test before you arrive.


NO REFUNDS are granted. Tickets may be transferred to another person or to the next event if informed in advance of the start of current years event

How do I register for DESIRE?

You can register for DESIRE here.

Information about volunteering can be found here.

Information about scholarships can be found here.

We are dedicated to accessibility. Information about accessibility can be found here.



VOLUNTEER 1 Hour for the good of the event and community:

I understand that I MUST volunteer 1 (one) Hour at DESIRE. Let’s make this DESIRE exceptional and bring it back to its roots by doing so. When we come together, we make great things happen.  We will send you a link to sign up at a later date.

This is an assumption of risk and release of liability agreement. Please read carefully and you will need to indicate your agreement by accepting the online version during registration or signing a document at the event.



In consideration of their services, I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Bikkja Productions, LLC, DESIRE  Leather Weekend  (“the event”), their owners, agents, officers, volunteers, and any and all other persons acting in any capacity on their behalf (hereinafter collectively referred to as “DESIRE” or “Designee”), on behalf of myself, my children, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate, from any and all claims, demands or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my voluntary participation in any activity at the event, or my use of any of the equipment provided by Bikkja Productions, LLC. 

I understand that the phrase “the event” as used in this Release includes all activities that are a part of and associated with DESIRE Weekend, including but not limited to; pool and hot tub use, the evening ceremonies; all seminars; one on ones or group classes, the vendor area; all play parties and hospitality area’s, lunch and dinner.



I assume and accept full responsibility for myself for any bodily injury, death, or loss of personal property that might occur while I am at the event and I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all the risks existing in any activity I undertake while at the event. My participation in any activity at the event is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate in spite of the potential risks. 

In consideration for the right to participate in the event, in consensual bondage and/or sadomasochistic activities at the event, and in any other activities in which I may participate while at the event, I hereby certify that I am in good physical, mental, emotional and psychological health with no defects, illnesses or conditions that might be injurious to me or to others, and that I am able to physically and emotionally handle the associated risks inherent in consensual bondage and/or sadomasochistic activities and any conditions that may be associated with such activities or with my observation of these activities, or any other activities in which I may participate while at the event. 

I acknowledge that activities that I may participate in at the event entail both known and unanticipated risks. I understand that such risks cannot be completely eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activities. I acknowledge that these risks could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties, and include: scratches, cuts, sprains, strains, bruises, contusions, lacerations, scalding and burning, breaks and fractures, and severe contortions of the human body. I further acknowledge that the foregoing list of possible injuries and injurious acts is neither complete nor exclusive. 



I understand that the host hotel and the event both have its own rules and guidelines. I agree to read these rules and guidelines fully, and to abide by them, at all times during the event. I understand that I may be required to leave the event for violations of its rules and guidelines, without refund of monies paid to participate in the event. Contact Producers or Designee before you contact the hotel’s staff if you have any issues requiring attention. Please be respectful of our neighbors and be “street legal” as you enter and exit the resort, when in the lobby, and when in the designated smoking area.  Clothing is optional inside the resort. 

Directions from DESIRE senior staff must be followed at all times. 

If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, please address them with Bikkja Amy and/or Naria .



I understand that the use or possession of illegal drugs or controlled substances at the event is prohibited. I further understand that the use or possession of firearms (real and realistic replicas) at the event is prohibited.  I also understand that the act of offering, soliciting, or agreeing to an act of prostitution, which for this event is defined as an exchange of money for sexual gratification, is strictly forbidden at the event. Violation of any of the aforementioned will result in immediate expulsion from the event, without reimbursement, and the possibility of civil and/or criminal complaints charged against me.  If approached for these purposes, I agree to report this immediately to the Producers or Designee.

No alcohol is allowed in the play space. If the Producers or Designee deems that a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol and/or have poor personal conduct and/or violate any DESIRE rules, you will be asked not to play and then possibly removed from the premises and NOT allowed to return. No refunds shall be given.  If you choose to drink alcohol and then attend the Event, please do so responsibly.  Do not drink and play. 

Smoking of any substance is not allowed anywhere inside the building or on the grounds. This includes “vapes” and medicinal marijuana. There is designated space outside for smokers so please respect the smoke free space inside the building. Smoking can cause us to lose the venue and you can be billed for any cleaning or damage. Smoking and vaping are ONLY allowed in the designated area in the resort parking lot or off site.  No medical or adult use marijuana (flower or vaping products) is allowed anywhere on site. 



I am an adult at least 18 years of age, and I understand a valid photo ID showing my legal name and birthdate is required in order to gain admittance to the event. I further affirm that the photo identification I present is an accurate representation of my identity. I will only be admitted into the event if the legal name indicated on my registration form matches the name on my government ID. I understand that all events associated with the event are for consenting adults only and that individuals under 18 years of age will not be permitted. I understand that participants at the event are acting as consenting adults in a private situation, conforming to the event rules and guidelines that are posted throughout the event. I also understand and agree that by entering the event, I am knowledgeable that events may involve full or partial nudity by some participants, as well as acts of a sexual nature. These sights will not offend me.



I am not acting in the capacity of, as a member of, or under the direction of, any law enforcement or postal agency or governmental agency of any type, whether federal, state or local in nature. I am not attending the event or any of the activities of the event for the purpose of entrapment or to gather information and/or testimony that would lead to (or further) the arrest or prosecution of the organizers of the event, the owners of the premises, or any individual attending the event. I am not attending the event or any of the activities at the event for the purpose of attempting to influence the host hotel not to do business with Bikkja, to harass or discourage any person from attending the event or for the purpose of causing harm of any kind to the event and/or its attendees. Furthermore, I am not acting in the capacity of, as a member of, or under the direction of, any media agency. I will not publish or submit for any kind of publication information, writings, photographs, audio recordings, video recordings, or any other records of activities regarding the event or activities at the event, without the expressed approval of the owners and producers of the event. I agree that if I speak to the press or write publicly about DESIRE Weekend I will make it clear that I do so on my own behalf and not as a representative or spokesperson for Bikkja Productions, LLC or for the event.



NO REFUNDS are granted.  Tickets may be transferred to another person or to the next event if informed in advance of the start of current years event.



Please do not wear excessive scented personal care products to DESIRE Weekend. This includes “natural” products such as essential oils and even scented laundry soaps. 



Never touch someone else, their toys, props or property without asking and receiving permission. Remember that NO means NO.



Keep conversation very quiet in the play area.



Practice radical self care!!!

If a scene or something you see is bothersome, walk away from that area.


All play must be Risk Aware Consensual Kink. When in doubt, ask the Producers or Designee. All legal play is allowed and there are no (Dungeon Monitors) DM’s. We denounce unwanted advances, undesired contact, and predatory behavior of any kind.  In addition, DESIRE espouses the values of Radical Self Care and Vocal Self Advocacy, especially at our event where we do not police any type of interaction. Final decisions regarding any questionable play or personal conduct will be made by the Producers of DESIRE.  Violations may result in expulsion from the event with no refund of any monies expended.


The “house safe word” for this event is “RED.”  Please use this safeword if outside assistance is required. In an emergency these words are our version of calling for help. Please do not abuse or misuse these words. If a bottom is gagged, hooded or in some other way unable to verbally indicate a safeword, our event requires they be provided a “drop” safety signal.


Wax and Liquid Latex play. Allowed. Please provide blankets or tarps to contain spills and minimize fire risk.

Please do not bring nor attempt to use your own crosses, benches, tables or other major play station equipment. Only Bikkja Productions LLC pre-approved equipment may be used.

Blood Play (including needle play): Please bring tarps, blankets or other coverings to ensure that the equipment stays free of blood. Please bring teknicare, betadine or other anti-infective, as well as band-aids or gauze as required.


Bikkja Productions LLC HIGHLY recommends the use of barrier protection when engaging in intercourse, fingering or having oral/genital sex. All sexual activities must be contained within your play area (this includes protecting equipment from contamination). Safer sex supplies are provided for your use.

No Sex or open wounds in the pool or hot tub.


Be Clean: Protect the play surfaces during your play. CLEAN UP the area thoroughly afterwards.

Wrestling, scat, watersports, open flame branding, and fire play allowed. 

No guns or firearms allowed, whether real or facsimiles.


Do not sit on the play equipment or in the play stations, unless you are playing. There are chairs in the spectator areas for that purpose. Do not congregate or socialize at play stations unless you are involved in a scene in progress. Spectators must always give way to players, even if it means leaving a play area.

Please be courteous and limit your sessions to 90 minutes when other guests are waiting to use the station. 


Please do not play or engage in sexual activity in the recovery area or social area which includes the Hospitality room.


Negotiate your scenes.  Express your boundaries clearly.  If you do not like or want to continue something.  Speak up. Say your safeword.

We will not police what people are wearing (or not).  We will not police people’s genitalia.


Dress in a manner that is PG rated or more conservative when approaching the venue. This includes but is not limited to the lobby and parking areas. 


If at ANY time you are asked to stop ANY activity by ANY staff person, please stop immediately. Once you have stopped doing whatever it was you were doing, then you can have a conversation about what the issue is.

Practice common sense and common courtesy towards all people at all times, including the hotel staff and other guests.


DESIRE’s goal is to provide a safe environment for everyone.  Adherence to these guidelines is mandatory.  Violations may result in expulsion from the event with no refund of any monies expended.


Wristbands must be worn at all times throughout the weekend. 


DESIRE and Host Hotel are not liable to any participant for injury to person or property incurred as a result of attendance and participation at this event. By your entry, you acknowledge that you have read these rules, understand them, will abide by them, and that you assume all risks incident to your attendance at this event.


There are different types of Consent Accidents/Violations.  We define these as:

  1.   Consent Accidents — These can occur because of error, miscommunication, misunderstanding, or not having all the information
  2. Consent Violations — When someone knowingly and willfully chooses to ignore or cross someone’s limits and boundaries



Be respectful and don’t interrupt ongoing scenes. 

Please don’t touch or use toys that aren’t yours. 

Please don’t “save” equipment for more than 10 minutes. 

Be considerate of time at a station when others are waiting to use it. 

Please engage in all fire play and water sports outside. 

There is absolutely NO blood, ejaculation, piss, genitalia, or ass play in the pool or spa. This includes entering the pool or spa with exposed wounds/ sores.

Please clean up the play area and use disinfectants after play–use the supplies provided and do not use the resorts towels for clean up purposes. This especially means not using the resorts towels to clean up after blood or scat play.



I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and as indicated by signature if a paper copy or clicked box if the online version, I agree to be bound by its terms. I understand that if I violate the terms of this Agreement I may be removed from the premises and NOT allowed to return. No refunds shall be given.  I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portion shall remain in full force and effect.


By signing a paper copy or clicking the box if this is the online version this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation in any activity of the event, I may be found in a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against Bikkja Productions, LLC or its Producers on the basis of any claim from which I have released Bikkja Productions, LLC and its producers here within.


I have read the Refund Policy and Disclaimers. By signing a paper copy or clicking the box if this is the online version of this document, indicates my agreement to the statements indicated above.

The decisions of the Producers or Designee are FINAL. Any person(s) not responding to a Producer’s or Designee instructions shall be removed from the premises and NOT allowed to return. No refunds shall be given.




Please read carefully and indicate your agreement by accepting the online version during registration or signing a document at the event.


I, the undersigned, hereby give Bikkja Productions, LLC and its Producers, photographers, videographers, legal representatives, agents or assigns, the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to copyright, use, reuse, broadcast and/or publish any and all photographic pictures of me which shall be taken during the DESIRE 2024 event weekend. This shall include portraits or reproductions thereof, including audio and videotapes, made through any media. Further such rights shall include the right to use such images in conjunction with my scene name as indicated on the “registration form, and through any media, for any purpose whatsoever including but not limited to promotional and advertising uses, and other trade purposes. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photographic pictures, or the method of their eventual use, including any related audio, video or print copy, which may be used in conjunction therewith. I also consent and grant the right for the use of any printed matter in conjunction with the foregoing. 


I hereby and forever release, discharge and agree to hold harmless Bikkja Productions, LLC, DESIRE event weekend and its Owners, Producers, photographers, videographers, legal representatives, agents or assigns, including those publishing and/or distributing the finished product, in whole or in part, from and against any liability, claim, action and demand, including, without limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy and libel arising as a result of the use or publication of said photographic pictures from any distribution, blurring, altering, optical illusion or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking, processing or reproduction of the photographic pictures, their publication or distribution. 


I represent that I am over the age of 18 years and that I have read the foregoing and fully and completely understand the contents hereof and having read the statement above, I agree to all guidelines, requirements and restrictions as they are set forth. I have read the foregoing Release and Waiver before checking/signing the document.


I understand that Bikkja Productions, LLC will have official staff photographers present.


Any and all individuals who check “I understand the policy and I agree to have my photo taken” will be given a wristband that designates the undersigned as a “Photo OK” attendee. 


Any and all individuals who check “I understand the policy and I do not agree to have my photo taken.  I will have a wristband that indicates NO PHOTOS.”


I agree that this measure fulfills due diligence on the part of Bikkja Productions, LLC, its producers and staff photographers to ensure a reasonable level of protection that my image is not captured on film or video. I agree not to film, photograph, record in any manner or display any logos, names or signage of the Hotel or its Franchisor in any publication. I agree not to film or photograph or record in any manner anyone without their expressed permission, and understand that photography is strictly prohibited in the play spaces and venue except by DESIRE staff. I understand that I must have a signed and age-verified personal release to use anyone’s image or likeness for any reason. 

I warrant my full understanding of its contents, and that I am of legal age to give my consent in this state. 


I have read the above policy. My signature, as represented by signing a paper copy or clicking the box if this is the online version of this document, indicates my agreement to the statements indicated above.



No personal cameras, tape recorders, or recording or transmitting instruments of any kind are allowed. We strongly urge you not to bring cell phones with you into the play space. Accessing or using a cell phone in any manner within the play space is not permitted. This includes but is not limited to placing calls, answering calls, checking for messages/caller id, text messaging and opening the phone to check the display. If you wish to use your cell phone please do so outside of the play space. All watch alarms, phones, pagers, PDAs and other electronic equipment must be powered off or in silent mode when inside the play space.  


You may take photos of your Mentoring Session with the express permission of the Presenter and any attendee who will be in the photos permission.  People who are “No Photos” will have a red wristband. 

Gender Policy


Please go to FAQ dropdown and read Gender Policy

Consent Policy
All participants are expected to abide by the guidelines set forth in order to foster and maintain an environment that is safe for all. It is imperative that everyone in attendance at DESIRE commit themselves to these guidelines in order to keep the open no-bars edge play intact that many DESIRE participants engage in.
For clarification, there are different types of Consent Violations such as:
1. Consent Accidents — These can occur because of error, miscommunication, misunderstanding, or not having all the information
2. Consent Violations — When someone knowingly and willfully chooses to ignore or cross someone’s limits and boundaries
We categorically endorse only Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK) at our event and in our community. We denounce unwanted advances, undesired contact, and predatory behavior of any kind. In addition, we espouse the values of Radical Self Care and Vocal Self Advocacy, especially at our event where we do not police any type of interaction and we do not have Dungeon Monitors.
We strive to make DESIRE a safe and nourishing play weekend while allowing any and all consensual play, even when extreme. If/when a crisis arises on-site, we will have First-Aid and a Crisis Response Team available to attend to the situation. We are committed to this process and will continue to make improvements so that those goals are realized.
Below is the Guideline that we have implemented–it is in the Program Book and will be posted on-site at the resort for reference–and we expect every DESIRE participant to adhere to.
All play MUST be consensual. Period. Consent violations will NOT be tolerated at DESIRE. The flagrant disregard for boundaries that have been previously and mutually agreed upon by parties, may include expulsion from the event if deemed necessary as a solution to the incident. CLEARLY ARTICULATE AND NEGOTIATE ALL OF YOUR WISHES, LIMITS, AND BOUNDARIES–EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU PLAY, WITH EVERYONE WHO IS INVOLVED IN THE SCENE. This applies to private play scenes, and most especially applies to Open Community Events where physical contact is going to occur, such as the Biting Circle, the Wheel of Pain, etc.
Safe-words. USE THEM. RESPECT THEM. The DESIRE community safe-words to be used for the weekend are: GREEN YELLOW RED
How many people attend DESIRE?

To create a feeling of community and intimacy, DESIRE is kept at around 250 to 350 participants, presenters, and staff depending on the venue.

Who can attend DESIRE?

Please note that DESIRE is a play party for kinky Women, Genderqueer, Gender Variant/Expansive, and Trans Women and Trans men Non-Binary (Please read the Gender Policy and decide for your self: DESIRE is not open to attendance by Binary Trans Men or Cis Men.  We require all individuals that attend to SHOW UP and participate at the event as a person identified in one or more of the following gender identities and if you are unsure if this event is for you and want to further discuss this, please email

Policing of people’s genitalia by anyone is not allowed.

What kind of play happens at this event? Will there be sex?

DESIRE is a player’s event, meaning a variety of play is happening at all times, including EXTREME play that might be triggering or disturbing to some. Some people chose to include sex in their play, some people don’t. You will see a variety of sex, bodies and genitalia at this event. (At in person events)


It is your responsibility to practice radical self-care and take care of yourself during the event. We have a hospitality suite open during the day until midnight where no play or sex is allowed if you need a break from the stimulation or the heat.

What should I bring?

We supply large equipment and cleaning supplies. Nibbles, water, and electrolyte drinks are also provided throughout the day until midnight in the hospitality suite.

Please bring with you any items and supplies you’ll need to help you enjoy the event, including:

  • toys and play equipment,
  • pee pads (if needed for any fluid play),
  • internal/external condoms, lubricant, dental dams, etc.,
  • sunscreen!
  • food (if you’re not buying the on-site meals) and at the very least snacks,
  • large refillable water bottle to stay hydrated.

For a full list of items people bring, read this post.

We are dedicated to being as accessible as possible. If you have accessibility needs, please see this post.

This is my first year. What do I need to know? to DESIRE! We have a newbie meeting the first night that you definitely should attend, so check the schedule for that. In that meeting, we’ll go over workshops, mentoring, equipment, and entertainment for the weekend along with giving you tips to get the most out of your weekend.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to read our blog posts Ask a DESIRE Veteran – Your Questions Answered! and What to Bring.

You can also ask questions in any of our Social Media groups. 

Follow our Facebook page for event updates:

Join the discussion on our FetLife group:

RSVP and see who else is going on our FetLife event page:  

(Please note, you must still register even if you RSVP on the event page.)

Join the Desire Newsletter

Twitter @DESIRELeather

Instagram desireleather2.0

Join the Desire Newsletter

Ask a DESIRE veteran – your questions answered.

We rounded up veteran’s advice on how to get the most from your DESIRE weekend. You can find their answers here.

Where can I find the complete schedule?

We’ve got a full weekend ready for you! The complete schedule and the workshop schedule can be found here.

Presenters, Staff and Volunteers

Who runs DESIRE?

DESIRE was started over a decade ago by Olga and blu (who still attend!) and was taken over in 2018 by Bikkja Amy and Naria.

Bikkja Amy is the Co-owner/Executive Producer of DESIRE and was the Contestant Coordinator for IMsL/IMsBB (2007- ​2019​). She has been creating mischief in the San Diego and Central Valley Leather Communities for the last ​20 ​years. True to her Capricorn nature, she jumped right into her career as a Kinky Woman when she first moved to San Diego in 2000, by becoming a member and board member of Leather and Sisterhood (L.A.S.H.) She then became Knight of Leather 2002. She facilitated the San Diego Women’s Leather Rap group and co-founded the Modesto Women’s BDSM Forum in 2004-06. She became Southern California Leather Woman (SCLW) in 2006 and sat on the board until the title retired in 2015. Bikkja was on The Leather Realm committee at San Diego Gay Pride from 2007 to 2017. She has the honor of being Mama’s Bikkja. As a player, she is a true Switch who is particularly fond of blood. She spends her time in San Diego with her wife, Naria​ and  with her little boi. She has 1cat and ​3​ dogs, as well as a household of assorted pervs. She teaches a variety of classes including: Age Play, Blood Play, Body Bags/ Vacuum Latex bag, Cell Popping, Electricity, Fire Play, Impact Play. Medical Scenes, Mummification and/or Suspension, Saline Infusion, Spanking, Vaginal and Anal Fisting, and Wax Play.

Naria Lei B. Jordan is the Co-owner/ Executive Producer of DESIRE. She was Southern California Leather Woman 2012-2013 and was on the Board of The Leather Realm San Diego and South Bay Pride as the Workshop Coordinator as well as the Dungeon Coordinator for IMsLBB from 2015 to 2019. He was also  Ms. San Diego Leather 2002.  She is a longtime Radical Sex Perv Poly Daddy who has been involved in the Queer BDSM Community for 38 years as a practitioner, organizer, activist, and educator in the Kinky Arts. She co-founded two Women’s-only leather groups in Washington, DC–Lesborados and S/Mazons. She was a co-founder, editor, and writer for the collectively published “Black Leather…In Color” and was the facilitator of the Women’s BDSM Rap in San Diego from 2007-2014. She was also the Co-facilitator for the Women’s BDSM Forum in the Modesto/Central Valley area from 2004-2006. A writer, national speaker and presenter, photographer, and fancier of Fine Fierce Femme Women, Naria is a relentless sex educator, a misunderstood yet flaming Pisces, a true Water Tiger, and always enjoys pushing the envelope–as often as possible! She spends her time in San Diego and Orange County with her primary partners, Bikkja Amy and Brigette, as well as 1 cat and 3 dogs, and a household of assorted pervs.

Who runs DESIRE?

DESIRE was started over a decade ago by Olga and blu (who still attend!) and was taken over in 2018 by Bikkja Amy and Naria.

Bikkja Amy is the Co-owner/Executive Producer of DESIRE and was the Contestant Coordinator for IMsL/IMsBB (2007- ​2019​). She has been creating mischief in the San Diego and Central Valley Leather Communities for the last ​20 ​years. True to her Capricorn nature, she jumped right into her career as a Kinky Woman when she first moved to San Diego in 2000, by becoming a member and board member of Leather and Sisterhood (L.A.S.H.) She then became Knight of Leather 2002. She facilitated the San Diego Women’s Leather Rap group and co-founded the Modesto Women’s BDSM Forum in 2004-06. She became Southern California Leather Woman (SCLW) in 2006 and sat on the board until the title retired in 2015. Bikkja was on The Leather Realm committee at San Diego Gay Pride from 2007 to 2017. She has the honor of being Mama’s Bikkja. As a player, she is a true Switch who is particularly fond of blood. She spends her time in San Diego with her wife, Naria​ and  with her little boi. She has 1cat and ​3​ dogs, as well as a household of assorted pervs. She teaches a variety of classes including: Age Play, Blood Play, Body Bags/ Vacuum Latex bag, Cell Popping, Electricity, Fire Play, Impact Play. Medical Scenes, Mummification and/or Suspension, Saline Infusion, Spanking, Vaginal and Anal Fisting, and Wax Play.

Naria Lei B. Jordan is the Co-owner/ Executive Producer of DESIRE. She was Southern California Leather Woman 2012-2013 and was on the Board of The Leather Realm San Diego and South Bay Pride as the Workshop Coordinator as well as the Dungeon Coordinator for IMsLBB from 2015 to 2019. He was also  Ms. San Diego Leather 2002.  She is a longtime Radical Sex Perv Poly Daddy who has been involved in the Queer BDSM Community for 38 years as a practitioner, organizer, activist, and educator in the Kinky Arts. She co-founded two Women’s-only leather groups in Washington, DC–Lesborados and S/Mazons. She was a co-founder, editor, and writer for the collectively published “Black Leather…In Color” and was the facilitator of the Women’s BDSM Rap in San Diego from 2007-2014. She was also the Co-facilitator for the Women’s BDSM Forum in the Modesto/Central Valley area from 2004-2006. A writer, national speaker and presenter, photographer, and fancier of Fine Fierce Femme Women, Naria is a relentless sex educator, a misunderstood yet flaming Pisces, a true Water Tiger, and always enjoys pushing the envelope–as often as possible! She spends her time in San Diego and Orange County with her primary partners, Bikkja Amy and Brigette, as well as 1 cat and 3 dogs, and a household of assorted pervs.

Who is on staff?

Get to know your DESIRE staff here. You will also be introduced to the full DESIRE staff at Opening Ceremonies Friday night.

How do I get on staff?

Persons who have attended DESIRE previously may be elligible to apply. We typically hand select staff from the volunteer pool after years of hard work and dedication to the event. 

Who is presenting workshops and offering mentoring at DESIRE?

Some of the most knowledgeable BDSM, leather, and kink instructors come from all over the world to teach at DESIRE. Our presenters offer workshops throughout the weekend, along with one-on-one and small group mentoring, an especially unique and beneficial experience DESIRE offers.

A list of presenters can be found here.

How can I become a presenter at DESIRE?

We’ll be accepting Applications soon! 

How do I volunteer?

All the information you need to volunteer at DESIRE can be found here.

Do you offer scholarships?
We do offer scholarships! All the information you need on scholarships can be found here.
Where do I need to be when?
If you’re on staff or a presenter, we’ll give you a schedule personally. If you’re an attendee, you can find both the complete weekend schedule and the workshop schedule here.
Who is presenting workshops and offering mentoring at DESIRE?

Some of the most knowledgeable BDSM, leather, and kink instructors come from all over the world to teach at DESIRE. Our presenters offer workshops throughout the weekend, along with one-on-one and small group mentoring, an especially unique and beneficial experience DESIRE offers.

A list of presenters can be found here.

What workshops are being offered?

We’ve got some amazing workshops for you to attend this year, including both hard and soft skills.

You can find the complete workshop schedule here.

Where can I find the complete weekend schedule?

There’s always something happening at DESIRE. Check out the complete schedule of events. It can be found here

Sponsorship and Ads in the Program

To be updated soon for 2023

Still have questions?

Contact us at or use the form below.

9 + 13 =